Friday, June 17, 2011

50 squares!

Sorry for the delay! Thanks Anth for the shout out!
Yep as Anth said I have cracked the 50 mark... So far so good... Am loving seeing it all come together. Am now starting to join the squares - which helps to see what the finished product will look like. Pretty exciting.
Look forward to seeing others work and knowing how far along everyone is!

Is this what you meant you wanted to see Katie or do you want individual squares?
Sorry it is a little blurry... Will take a few more pics soon of my faves.

Happy quilting ladies XX


  1. Lyss, they look great all lined up like that - I haven't seen them like that - congrats!!!

  2. Lyss, they are amazing. I'm soooooo jealous. If only mine was that far along...

  3. that's exactly it Lyss - I just wanted to be able to see them all - love the colours when they're all together like that! + I agree with Vicki I wish mine was that far along :) but you've inspired me, and I'll put it back on the to do list lol - its a bit long though!

  4. Ola tudo bem!
    Venha me visitar ...
